An illegal surrogate mother organization has been caught in Cambodia, receiving money from her camp and giving birth to a baby instead.According to the ...
Ahead of the by-election of the Seoul Superintendent of Education, conservative candidate Cho Jeon-hyuk proposed unification to candidate Yun ...
삼성전자 방사선 피폭 '부상' 판단…중대재해법 적용되나 '세종대왕 치유·한글 창제' 담은 초정약수축제 14년 군 복무하고 '목 디스크'…보훈부는 "지원 못 해" 항소 다우·S&P 최고치 경신…테슬라 주가는 8.8%↓ 노벨상 수상에 모교도 축제…제2의 한강을 꿈꾸며 어둠을 채우는 빛의 조화…가을밤, 요즘 전주는 유튜브 쇼츠에서 공연장으로…J팝 커지는 관심 ...
* 아래 텍스트는 실제 방송 내용과 차이가 있을 수 있으니 보다 정확한 내용은 방송으로 확인하시기 바랍니다. 인용 시 [YTN 뉴스와이드] 명시해주시기 바랍니다. ◇앵커> 이번에 중국 작가 찬쉐나 무라카미 하루키 등을 ...
In the first half of this year, the average monthly wage increase rate of regular workers was slower than last year.According to the analysis of wage hikes in ...
Nearly 30% of young people in their 20s believe the national pension should be abolished, according to a survey.The Pension Reform Youth Movement, which ...
Financial authorities are considering applying the total debt repayment ratio and DSR regulations to jeonse and policy loans.To this end, we asked the banking ...
There are only 576 doctors who can take the specialist qualification examination early next year, which is expected to lead to a sharp drop in the production ...
Anchor] Today, which is a holiday, will be completely autumnal.There are many citizens in the park who came out to enjoy the ...
Anchor] With the U.S. presidential election just over 20 days away, Democratic presidential candidate Harris has released the ...
Anchor] Although the first parliamentary audit of the 22nd National Assembly has entered its second week, the battle over the ...
Anchor] The interest in Han Kang, the first Asian woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, is explosive.On the Internet, we also share a list of books ...