Here is a complete list of the best 3DS games of all time, including Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Kid Icarus and many more.
Super Soccer will "no longer be available" Original Story: So normally we're used to reporting about the latest retro additions to the Switch Online library, but today is a bit different..
This isn’t even the first time Konami did this, as they made those excellent Castlevania GBA and DS collections. Because of this gaming ... Luckily, you still have all your favorite weapons and ...
I think the reason is very basic: Ken and Terry are buddies. In the same way CAPCOM Vs SNK gave Chun Li and Mai unique fight intros that implied a friendly rivalry between them, Ken and Terry were ...
Luckily, the core fighting is pretty great, so fans of SNK, Capcom, and any other publisher will enjoy this entry. It sticks with the series’ button layout – three attacks and a taunt via the face ...
The Nintendo DS played a huge part in my teen years, providing much more complex games and experiences than its predecessor, the Game Boy Advance. However, I’ve since moved to a different ...
Here’s how it works. Capcom's announcement of a sequel to Ōkami came as a big surprise last year, not least because the original is notorious for being a commercial flop. But in a recent ...
We’ve already seen King of Fighters’ Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui cross over to Street Fighter 6 as DLC, like a stealth Capcom vs SNK 4, so it makes sense that SNK would want a couple of ...
He has written news, reviews, and more as a tech journalist since 2020. The popular Nintendo DS emulator Drastic has disappeared from the Google Play store, reports Android Authority. It’s not ...
Toshiro Mifune died of multiple organ failure in 1997 at the age of 77, but the impenetrable barrier of death hasn’t stopped Capcom from digitally skinning the legendary actor’s likeness for ...
The popular Nintendo DS emulator DraStic has been removed from the Google Play Store. The developer has not announced why it was removed, but the official website is also down. DraStic was made ...
But apparently that can't stop him from starring in a new videogame in the year 2026. Since December Capcom has been teasing the revival of its early 2000s samurai action series Onimusha ...