A "Saxon onion king" in Belarus, Ukrainian women at war, Russian exceptionalism, and floods in Poland: Paulina Siegień rounds ...
La Géorgie fait face à un choix crucial : se rapprocher de l'Europe ou se mettre encore davantage sous la coupe de la Russie.
Presidential showdowns, parliamentary elections and a crucial EU referendum will take place across Southeastern Europe before ...
On 6 September, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Fidesz, far right) called on the EU to take more measures to combat ...
Between 20 and 26 October, Georgia and Moldova will decide where they stand in geopolitics – and perhaps in history: will ...
This month, in a press review with Display Europe, we examine European media's take on Germany's faltering economy and border closures.
Created in 2019 by the European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht following the New York Times announcement that they would stop publishing press cartoons, the European Cartoon Award is ...
Attribution is a prodigious form of science: it determines how climate change has influenced the likelihood or intensity of specific extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods.
Se celebrarán por todo el sudeste de Europa enfrentamientos presidenciales, elecciones parlamentarias y un referéndum crucial ...
A medida que se aproximan las elecciones, Georgia se enfrenta a la alternativa de unirse a Europa o verse aun más sometida a ...
Los negocios del “rey sajón de la cebolla”, el papel de las mujeres ucranianas ante la guerra, la excepcionalidad de los ...
Il 26 ottobre si terranno in Georgia elezioni cruciali: avvicinarsi all’Europa o ricadere nuovamente sotto l’influenza della ...